Stories of Change

October 10th is World Mental Health Day

V Heals from the Trauma of War

Like many refugees, V*, a young Ukrainian woman, has been heavily marked by the traumas of war. In Ukraine, she witnessed her world collapse when a bomb fell on her city, destroying homes and claiming the lives of many of her neighbors. She fled to a nearby city in Ukraine, where her living conditions were poor, making it impossible to heal from recent traumas.

These experiences left invisible scars that affected V’s day-to-day life, filling her with depression and anxiety. Eventually V moved to Moldova where, in the midst of her trials and tribulations, she found a glimmer of hope when she was introduced to CWS partner, The Union for Equity and Health, and was enrolled in therapy.

Through her regular session, V started to work through her trauma and learned how to manage her emotions. She soon began to feel more confident and optimistic about her future. She also developed new skills that allowed her to better integrate and feel more at home in her new community.

With time, the wounds of war that V holds in her heart and mind, have begun to heal. V is determined and resilient and is building a life that makes her feel safe and at peace.

CWS is grateful for our partner, UMCOR, whose support allows Ukrainian refugees like V to access support as they rebuild their lives. To learn more and support CWS’ work with Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, click here.

*The initial “V” has been used to protect the identity of the program participant.