Refugee Resettlement

Around the world 100 million people are displaced, including 27 million who have fled their countries because of conflict, violence, persecution and human rights violations. More than 40% of these refugees are children.

For the most vulnerable among them, resettlement to a safe country is their best hope for finding safety and building a future for their children.

Since CWS began its work responding to the devastation of World War II, we have helped refugee families rebuild their lives in the United States. Through partnership with local communities and congregations we ensure each arriving family is met with a warm welcome and provided with the services they need to thrive and become valued members of their new communities.

Welcoming refugees and helping get a strong start in the United States is good for all of us. Refugees overwhelmingly give back to the communities that welcome them, opening businesses, volunteering and becoming actively engaged citizens.

| National Capacity Building & Assistance Projects

Since 2021, Church World Service has received funding from the U.S. Department of State and the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement to host two projects that serve all 10 national refugee resettlement agencies and their networks by providing technical assistance, training, resources, and cross-sector knowledge sharing opportunities.

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