Stories of Change
Aliona and Ionel at the CWS supported distribution center
The Warmth and Love of a Foster Mom
Aliona, a Ukrainian foster mom, has a huge heart. A heart she has opened to spread love and warmth to three foster children and two biological children.
When we met Aliona she was gathering winter clothing for all her children at the CWS-supported donation distribution center. This caring act is just one of many that Aliona does for all of her children each day.
Despite the major financial responsibility it is to foster children, Aliona and her husband, Pentru, are certain of the important work they are doing. She told us, “It wasn’t easy at all, but when I learned the life story of these children, I said to myself, ‘I want and I will be able to give them the warmth and love they didn’t get from their biological parents’”. Her foster children love their foster parents and call Aliona and Pentru “Mother” and “Father”.
Twelve-year-old Ionel is one of the family’s foster children. When he was a young boy he was abandoned by his father and neglected by his mother who struggled with alcoholism. Ever since he became Aliona’s foster son, his life improved significantly. He told us, “We love our mother Aliona very much. Thanks to her, we are always dressed, clean and very happy. I really want to make a lot of money when I grow up and buy Mom and Dad a new car and a new house.”
Ionel enjoys helping out with household responsibilities and his favorites are when he gets to help his foster dad, Pethru, with the garden and car repairs. He hopes to one day become a mechanical engineer but his greatest dream reflects the selflessness and kindness of his foster mother. “I hope I will be able to help other abandoned children in the future. Maybe, I will even build a modern center for children where there will be no place for sadness and pain.”
The family has received support through donations and vouchers that can be used for food, hygiene products and clothes. Aliona said, “Thank you for the $50 voucher for food, hygiene items and winter clothes that Ionel chose today. All this allows us to save money and use it to pay for utility costs which have increased too much lately”. She added, “We will celebrate today with the whole family and I will buy the children some sweets so they feel like it’s a real celebration.”
Today, we want to celebrate Aliona. Her dedication to her children is a noble display of the warmth, strength and selflessness mothers like her embody.
When we asked for support for our Ukrainian neighbors, the CWS global community took action and helped make an impact on the lives of families like Aliona’s. To continue supporting Ukrainians in Moldova, you can donate here.