Prayers and Compassion for Ukraine

10-year-old Alona (name changed) fled Kharkov with her family. She and her older sister had 20 minutes to pack their bags. Alona brought a phone and a few soft toys. The family traveled by car to Kyiv and then by train to Berehove in western Ukraine. Alona says she misses school and her friends. Photo: Antti Yrjönen / FCA

We have watched in horror as the violence against civilians in Ukraine has been revealed. In the months since Russia commenced a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine, millions of people have been forced to flee their homes and countless others have experienced attacks in violation of international humanitarian law, some of which may amount to war crimes.

As people of faith, we recognize the power of prayer for comfort, healing and hope. We join in personal and collective, interfaith prayer for our Ukrainian neighbors and for refugee families in search of safety around the world. Let us include prayers for the displaced in our daily reflections and our ongoing worship. We pray, as we renew our commitment to peace and compassionate action for the people of Ukraine and for all at-risk people fleeing violence and persecution.

Prayer wall

God, please watch over all who are affected by the ongoing attacks in Ukraine--all who are seeking refuge and safety, families across the world worrying for loved ones, those trying to provide humanitarian aid, those suffering from loss and injury. Guide them in their endeavors as we all continue to pray for peace in Ukraine and throughout the world. Provide each of us with direction as we seek to best use our talents, time, and treasures for those in need. Amen.

Shared by Dawn on April 13, 2022
New York, United States

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.

Shared by Matthew on April 13, 2022
United States

God of refuge,

We pray for our Ukrainian neighbors seeking safety - seeking peace - seeking help - seeking healing - and we ask that you soften our hearts to help commit us to action to respond to their needs.

Help them to know that we are standing with them and supporting them this day and onward.

In the Prince of Peace's name we pray,

Shared by Andrew on April 13, 2022
Ohio, United States

I wish the peace come upon the world and I PRAY for Ukraine as I do for my country and my people, the war only destroy beautiful things and displace human, but I wish if all human understand that no matter how strong they are there will be a day and we have to go back to God and leave this life, being nice to each other and live in peace is good.
dear Lord may your peace come upon the world cause the Wat in Ukraine reminds me of my people in Iraq/Sinjar and the genocide on Iyzidis, it breaks my heart.
Ameera Haydar

Shared by Ameera on April 13, 2022