CWS Statement: Amendments to Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill

February 2, 2015

Humanitarian organization Church World Service strongly opposes upcoming legislation that is harmful to immigrant communities.  As an organization convening 37 member communions, CWS draws from the Biblical call to love thy neighbor and welcome the immigrant by assisting displaced persons around the globe and by standing with our brothers and sisters to stop harmful deportations that tear families apart. As …

Climate Change is Fact. Now is the Time to Act

Jasmine Huggins | January 28, 2015

I thought that my father was joking when he told me this story years ago, but it turns out that he was right.   Roast pork was not invented by a creative cook, but by a hapless peasant who inadvertently one day burnt his hut down with all his pigs in it.   Upon entering the smoldering embers of his former home, …

Register Now for Feb. 10 “Emotional & Spiritual Care” Webinar

January 26, 2015

Intentional emotional and spiritual care is an integral component of disaster response.  Learn why from a nationally recognized expert on disaster-related emotional and spiritual care and get resources to enhance your response in a free webinar organized and hosted by Church World Service. The 90-minute webinar will be held beginning at 2 p.m. U.S. Eastern time Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015. …

The Essentials

Matt Hackworth |

The roads have been salted. My driveway has been, too. The i-things have all been charged. We have plenty of food. Toilet paper. Oreos and popcorn. The fireplace is even operational, with plenty of blankets to go ‘round. All life’s essentials, right? Essentials. It’s funny how that definition is so fluid when someone like me, who lives in the wealthiest …

Listening to Communities in Myanmar

January 23, 2015

A hallmark of CWS development work involves partnering with each community, working with them to find solutions to their problems together. CWS launched a new program in Myanmar’s Kayin State in 2014 that began with gathering the perspectives of the local community towards their development. Because the peace process among ethnic minorities and government in the region is still a …

When Disaster Strikes, a Need to Organize Recovery Quickly

Carol Fouke-Mpoyo | January 22, 2015

Karen C. and Martin K*. are among more than 10,000 southeastern Michigan residents  whose homes suffered damage and loss last August from devastating flash flooding. Both are trying to do what they can on their own to clean up.  And despite their own best efforts, both find themselves coming up short.  Government aid, insurance payments and their own resources and …

Together, a Uganda Community Feels Empowered, Organized

Chris Herlinger | January 20, 2015

I recently heard from a Roman Catholic priest I interviewed last year during an assignment in South Sudan. He told me that some of those he knew who had fled during political violence had died of hunger. My heart sunk when I heard this. Though crises like those in South Sudan often cause food, and food assistance, to be cut …

Defending our Victories for Immigrant Families and Children

Jenny Siegel | January 16, 2015

Together the CWS network has been part of huge victories for immigrant families in 2014. We fought to keep protections and humanitarian screenings for Central American children fleeing violence while the House of Representatives wanted to take it away. We assured ample funding for refugee resettlement when they tried to repurpose it. We won executive action and temporary relief from …

2015 EAD Panel Features People “Working on the Frontlines for Change”

Carol Fouke-Mpoyo | January 15, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – “To connect organizations and issues is the only way I see to break global systems of oppression. No one can do it alone. We have to see this as one movement.” That’s how David Schilling describes the task facing the more than 1,000 Christian advocates who are expected to attend the 13th Annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days for …

CWS Condemns Anti-Immigrant Vote in U.S. Congress

January 14, 2015

WASHINGTON—Church World Service condemns today’s passage by the House of Representatives of hugely destructive anti-immigrant legislation contained in the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act for 2015. The Rev. John L. McCullough, President and CEO of Church World Service, released the following statement: “This vote is a clear and present danger to our nation’s conscience and to victims of trafficking, …