
Resettlement Sessions

Intersection of Power, Culture and Anti-Racism in Refugee Resettlement

During this session, we will explore the basics of anti-racism and allyship in resettlement and their greater community. We will share about the topics of power, culture, and diversity in welcoming refugees. Participants will have a better understanding of their role in community transformation and as well as resources to share with their congregations and organizations.

Following this session, participants will:
Understand how to be an active ally.
Understand the intersection that power and culture play in welcoming refugees.
Have tools to continue self education and resources to share with community sponsorship group members.

Watch Session


Bilal Askaryar, Communications Coordinator, #WelcomeWithDignity

Christa Ross

Watch Session

Click the play arrow in the lower lefthand corner of the video player, below, to watch the session.