Stories of Change

Top: outside of Kwai River Hospital, Middle: Adam Michael Royston and Marvin Pannel on stage at inauguration, Bottom: New patient rooms
“A Place of Comfort and Healing”
For over 60 years, the Kwai River Christian Hospital has been a place of hope and healing for many in the town of Sangklaburi, Thailand near the border with Myanmar. Throughout the years, people from all walks of life have come through the doors of the hospital, including refugees from Myanmar who live in nearby camps. Here, they could always trust that regardless of cost or who they were, they would be welcomed and given high-quality care.
In late February of this year, the hospital reached a new milestone: it completed its latest project to remodel and expand. Along with its partner, USAID, CWS was a proud supporter of this recent project.
Marvin Pannell, CWS’ Myanmar Country Representative, attended the event to express gratitude and congratulations for the hospital’s inauguration.
As he stood in front of the excited crowd that had come to celebrate, Marvin stated “wow, congratulations and amazing are the words that come to mind upon seeing this impressive hospital completed and officially open to serve a community of 150,000.” The hospital will now be able to serve more people and provide an even higher quality of care with the addition of modern medical equipment.
In his speech, Marvin discussed three of the project’s most remarkable achievements:
“1. Women comprise about 75% of the staff, in a facility that can now provide even higher quality care to a patient base including pregnant women and new mothers. The design of the hospital fully considers the needs of women, girls, men, and boys.
2. The hospital is accessible to an estimated 150,000 people. 25% are Thai citizens and 75% are people from Myanmar, including a mix of asylum seekers, refugees, and people without refugee status. The hospital continues to treat marginalized people under the noble ideal of quality health care as a right, and that all people are equal.
3. The hospital is welcoming and inspiring – a place of comfort and healing. Upon walking around the grounds and throughout the building, it is apparent that the architectural design approach takes advantage of the geographic setting. More importantly, the hospital models an environmentally friendly design approach. From cooling to heating to drainage, landscape, lighting, materials, and more!”
Our whole team joins Marvin in cheering on these achievements and expressing thanks “to all hospital partners and donors for this miraculous gift of accessible, quality health care.” We are also thankful for the American people, whose support through USAID has helped build an inclusive health care center.
With the new expansion and remodeling, the Kwai River Christian Hospital will continue its legacy as a sanctuary and welcoming space for all in need of medical assistance. Marvin said it best: “with this hospital, we have yet another blessing, a cause for daily celebration, and yet another reason to hope and dream.”