Emergency Appeal #628-A Update #3: 2014 U.S. Spring / Summer Storms

News & Updates | Posted Tuesday, August 26, 2014

FORMERLY “SPRING STORMS” APPEAL GOAL: $120,000 SUMMARY This summer, severe weather has continued to devastate numerous U.S. states, with wind, tornados, hail, flooding and wildfires causing extensive damage. In support of survivors’ early needs, Church World Service has provided CWS Emergency Cleanup Buckets, Kits and Blankets assembled and contributed by its member communions and their congregations nationwide. CWS also has …

Emergency Situation Report #1: South Napa (Calif.) Earthquake

News & Updates | Posted Monday, August 25, 2014

SITUATION: On Sunday Aug. 25, a 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck northern California. The quake epicenter was 5 miles SSW of Napa. Early reports are that about 170 persons were injured. There are no reported fatalities. Dozens of buildings have been damaged. Numerous power outages were initially reported with most power restored as of Monday morning.  Damage assessments are now underway by …

CWS Initial Appeal: Mt. Sinabung Eruption (Indonesia)

News & Updates | Posted Monday, August 4, 2014

APPEAL CODE:  #700-O INITIAL APPEAL GOAL:  $200,043 SITUATION: After being dormant for more than 400 years, the 8,530-foot Mt. Sinabung volcano on Sumatra Island, Indonesia, erupted in August 2010. Since then, more than 200 eruptions have displaced 30,000-plus people from 34 villages in Karo District, North Sumatra Province. The last major eruption, on Feb. 1, 2014, killed 14 people, including seven …

CWS and IOCC Collaborate to Bring “Help and Hope” to U.S. Disaster Survivors

News & Updates | Posted Wednesday, July 23, 2014

To sit and listen to hard-working people who have just lost their homes and sometimes livelihoods to disaster is indeed humbling.  As they come to ask us for help, it helps us realize that, regardless of how faithful or hard working we might be, in the world we “will have tribulation” (John 16:33). As U.S. Country Representative for International Orthodox …

Preliminary Appeal: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina Flooding

News & Updates | Posted Friday, May 23, 2014

APPEAL CODE: #6639 INITIAL APPEAL GOAL: $613,000 SITUATION Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina have been affected by a devastating cyclone, which has resulted in record flooding from heavy rains. Throughout the region dozens are confirmed dead, and many people are still missing. More than 60,000 people have been evacuated and tens of thousands of households have been completely destroyed or …

CWS Expands Appeal for Help for Afghan Flood, Mudslide Survivors

News & Updates | Posted Monday, May 19, 2014

APPEAL CODE: # 700-N EXPANDED APPEAL GOAL: $550,421 (from $494,020) PLEDGED TO DATE TOWARD GOAL: $185,000 Situation As noted in the initial May 7 appeal, Afghanistan is experiencing severe weather affecting tens of thousands of persons. Flash floods and landslides in the country over the past weeks have affected 120,000 people across 16 provinces. An estimated 675 people have died. …

Emergency Appeal: U.S. Spring Storms 2014 – Update #1

News & Updates | Posted Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Emergency Appeal #628-A, Update #1 Initial CWS Appeal Goal: $60,000 Overview Spring storms that began April 26 and continued through May 1 took lives, injured many and caused extensive tornado, straight-line wind and flood damage to several thousand homes in more than 20 states. To date, CWS has filled material goods orders from Jefferson County, Ala., and Baxter Springs, Kan., …

Emergency Appeal: U.S. Spring Storms 2014

News & Updates | Posted Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Emergency Appeal #628-A Initial CWS Appeal Goal: $60,000 Situation Starting Saturday April 26 and forecast to continue today and beyond, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes have been hitting numerous states in the U.S. Midwest and South and are heading to the East.  By Monday night, at least 17 states had been affected and more are being added to the list daily. …

CROP Hunger Walk Recruiter Discovers CWS’s Role in Disaster Recovery

News & Updates | Posted Friday, April 25, 2014

I’m passionate about ending hunger – and about being a mom, and being involved in the community.  This story is about how all those pieces of my life are fitting together – and yes, Church World Service is an important part of my story! My husband Scott, our son Joshua and I live in Longmont, Colo., where Scott pastors Westview …

Situation Report #2: A Mudslide, Tornadoes and a Fire

News & Updates | Posted Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Snohomish County Mudslide On March 22, rain-saturated ground led to a massive mudslide at Oso in Snohomish County, Wash. As of April 2, 28 fatalities were reported, there were 20 persons injured and 22 persons remained missing or unaccounted for. Search and rescue activities continue and FEMA and state damage assessments are ongoing. State Route 530 remains closed. CWS Response: …