National Board Announces First Subrecipient Solicitation for Case Management Pilot Program (CMPP)  

September 20, 2022

For Immediate Release: September 20, 2022



National Board Announces First Subrecipient Solicitation for Case Management Pilot Program (CMPP)  

The CMPP will provide critical services to individuals within immigration removal proceedings

CMPP’s National Board today issued the first solicitation seeking subrecipients for the implementation of the Case Management Pilot Program, inviting community-based service providers from around the country to apply for funding to provide voluntary case management and associated services to individuals within removal proceedings. The new program is established to ensure that certain eligible individuals within immigration removal proceedings in the U.S. have access to supportive, trauma-informed, and culturally competent comprehensive case management services that will allow for individualized client assessments and referrals or connection to critical services. 

Applications are due October 19, 2022 (by 11:59pm EST). The CMPP National Board will distribute funds via subawards to eligible local governments and nonprofits. The CMPP National Board is chaired by the Department of Homeland Security Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and is comprised of nonprofits with experience providing and evaluating case management programs for asylum seekers, asylees, and refugees: Church World Service, Catholic Charities USA, and The Center for Migration Studies of New York will support in the overall management of the program.

CMPP services include the provision of or the referral to an assortment of services including human trafficking screening; legal orientation; cultural orientation programs; referrals to health care and mental health services, school enrollment, legal services; and information and resources for departure planning and/or reintegration services for individuals returning to their home countries. 

The solicitation is available online here and at The CMPP National Board will also host an informational webinar on Wednesday, September 21 at 4:00PM EST, register here.

Additional information can be seen within the CMPP FAQ. For further questions please reach out to
