CWS Reflects on Second Anniversary of U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Calls for Pathway to Permanency for Afghan Refugees

August 30, 2023

Washington, D.C.—Today, August 30th, marks two years since the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan following the fall of Kabul. Since then, millions of Afghan individuals and families were forced to flee their homes and seek refuge around the world, with over 76,000 relocating to the United States via humanitarian parole. 

Despite unimaginable loss, over the last two years resettled Afghans have become friends, neighbors, co-workers, peers, business owners, and community leaders in their new homes. They have built connections and invested in their communities. CWS urges Congress to both honor the courage of resettled Afghans and keep a long overdue promise by passing the Afghan Adjustment Act, legislation that would provide an opportunity for relocated Afghans to apply to become lawful permanent residents. 

“Over the past two years, Afghans have demonstrated remarkable courage and resilience as they have rebuilt their lives and rooted their families in new communities. It is an unthinkable grief, to be forced to leave behind your home to start over in a new place, with new neighbors, culture, language, and systems.” said Danilo Zak, Acting Director of Policy and Advocacy with CWS. “Yet, in the face of this chaos and loss, Afghan refugees continue to rebuild and thrive in their new communities. They are invaluable co-workers, friends, business owners, and classmates. However, they continue to live in a state of uncertainty and anxiety due to the absence of a pathway to permanent status. It is long past time for the United States to keep its promise to at-risk Afghans by passing the Afghan Adjustment Act. Afghan families deserve to rebuild their lives with peace, security, and dignity and without the fear of yet another upheaval. On this anniversary of the U.S withdrawal, we yet again call for action to be taken.” 

Since the fall of Kabul, many Afghans have lived in a state of uncertainty, fear, and legal limbo as they wait on temporary parole status with no clear path to permanency. Relocated Afghans deserve a secure future. They deserve to raise their children safely and without threat. They deserve a kept promise– one that America made years ago, and now has the opportunity to deliver.

CWS is part of Evacuate our Allies, a coalition of veteran, human rights, and advocacy organizations calling for permanent solutions to the plight of resettled Afghans.

Learn more about how to take action and urge Congress to pass the AAA here.

For more information or to speak with Zak, contact