Washington, D.C.—Church World Service celebrates Independence Day, the birth of the United States and the forging of the most welcoming nation in the world. So as we join barbecues, spend time with our families, and watch fireworks wherever we are, we also honor what brought us here. We are a nation of immigrants, of the displaced, of those seeking a life free from oppression and tyranny.
In honor of Independence Day, Rick Santos, President and CEO of CWS, issued the following statement:
Independence Day is a moment where all Americans celebrate our identities, our shared values, and the rights and freedoms provided by our nation.
CWS believes that core American values include that of welcoming the stranger, making sure the hungry are fed, and extending safety and freedom to those forced from their homes by persecution or disaster.
In a moment where we are often pitted against one another, we believe in our shared communion, and our higher selves so we can honor the spirit of our nation, the belief in human rights, basic decency, and democracy.
Today we also celebrate the many gifts and talents that new American citizens bring to our nation. As we approach an important election year, we encourage each new American to learn about the issues at stake in our communities and to exercise their right to vote this fall.
For more information, or to speak with members of CWS, contact us at media@cwsglobal.org.