
In the wake of World War II, a program called Licensed Agencies for Relief in Asia provided millions of dollars of food and relief items to the people of Japan. CWS was one of 11 agencies that participated in LARA.

Decades later, another crisis led us to re-establish our presence in Japan. In March 2011, the world watched in horror the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, and the resulting Fukushima nuclear disaster, struck. CWS Japan was soon formed, with a focus on making sure that what happened in Japan would not happen elsewhere.

Our team focuses on global advocacy for preventing and responding to disasters. We press governments and leaders to find ways to reduce disaster risks for their most vulnerable residents. We also serve as a resource hub for other programs, mobilizing funds to support work elsewhere in Asia and providing technical expertise.

The spirit of collaboration has defined our work in Japan for more than seven decades. We expect this same spirit will continue for many years to come.