CWS Welcomes Introduction of the International Violence Against Women Act

December 17, 2019

For Immediate Release: December 17, 2019


CWS Welcomes Introduction of the International Violence Against Women Act

Washington, D.C. —CWS welcomes the introduction to the Senate of the bipartisan International Violence Against Women Act of 2019, S. 3037, which prioritizes U.S. Government action on the scourge of violence against women.  The bill recognizes the debilitating psychosocial impact of gender-based violence for women and girls, and its broader implications for their families and communities.  It lays out strategy for U.S. agencies to prevent and respond to all forms of violence against women and girls, reduce inequality between women and men and to improve the lives of women and girls.  The bill also codifies the position of Ambassador of Global Women’s Issues within the State Department..

Josephine Oguta, CWS’s Vice President for Humanitarian Affairs said: “We are indebted to Senators Shaheen (D-NH), Collins (R-ME), and Isakson (R-GA) for their untiring efforts to bring this issue to the attention of the United States Congress, and to get this bill passed. We know from our own work that this bill brings hope to the many women and girls who endure far too much, particularly when their communities or countries have been devastated by man-made or natural disasters. It is appropriate too, that the bill acknowledges the role of men in prevention, and the role of faith-based organizations such as CWS in accompanying victims and providing support.”

Around the world, 1 out of 3 women still experience some form of physical, emotional or sexual violence during her lifetime.  Women and girls who live in poverty, in war torn or conflict zones, and who have physical disabilities or mental illnesses are dis-proportionally affected.  Internally displaced, refugee, stateless and migrant women and girls are especially at risk and may endure multiple forms of violence. 
