Right now, the Tennessee legislature is considering HB 1919, HB 2222, HB 2711, and HB 2712, harmful bills that would discriminate against unaccompanied children and threaten our systems of humanitarian protection and welcome. This legislation runs counter to the type of state and government we should be trying to build – one that leads with compassion and values.
HB 1919 would separate families and criminalize parents, loved ones or agencies who take custody of children to provide living and safe homes. Preventing children from reunification with their loved ones, absent a documented child protection concern, or punishing agencies trying to live out their values of welcome is unconscionable. Every child has the right to be safe. All children deserve to be treated with dignity and united with loving family members.
HB 2222, HB 2711, and HB 2712 create unnecessary barriers for our resettlement agencies and our refugee communities at a time when we should be offering support and rebuilding our infrastructure to welcome those seeking refuge. Rather than working on real solutions that benefit Tennessee and its residents, the legislature is once again looking to target and harm immigrant and refugee communities.
Together, we can create a state that protects unaccompanied children, cares for the most vulnerable, and supports refugee resettlement. Please stand with our communities and contact your representatives today!
Tell Your State Representative to Reject HB 1919, HB 2222, HB 2711, and HB 2712
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Here’s what you can say: “On Tuesday, HB 2222 is scheduled in the Department and Agencies Subcommittee. On Wednesday HB 1919, HB 2711, and HB 2712 are scheduled for the Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee. As your constituent, I urge you to reject these harmful and immoral bills.
HB 1919 would discriminate against unaccompanied children by prohibiting taking custody of certain children transported across state lines without the written consent of the Department of Children’s Services. HB 1919 would separate families and criminalize parents and loved ones who take custody of their own children. Children deserve to be with loving family members.
HB 2222, HB 2711, and HB 2712 create unnecessary barriers for our resettlement agencies and our refugee communities at a time when we should be offering support and rebuilding our infrastructure to welcome those seeking refuge.
As a Tennessean, these bills do not reflect what I believe to be our state’s values of hospitality and welcome. I expect you to stand with our communities and families and urge you to reject HB 1919, HB 2222, HB 2711, and HB 2712. Thank you for your consideration.”
Here are additional resources:
Thank you for taking action!