Peter Pach Kuol (with ball) and other “Lost Boys” of Sudan outside their co-sponsoring church in Lancaster, Pa. Photo: Jennifer Graber/CWS
On March 31, the CBS News show 60 Minutes focused an episode on the resettlement of the “Lost Boys of Sudan” to the U.S. The boys, all survivors of the civil war in Sudan, literally walked for years to reach the safety of the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.
Beginning in 2001, resettlement in the United States became an option for this group and CWS’ Immigration and Refugee Program office in Kenya interviewed each person to determine their family histories and to obtain other relevant information needed by the U.S. Government to determine the boys’ eligibility for admission to the U.S. as refugees.
After arrival in the U.S., CWS and other resettlement agencies furnished initial housing, food, health services and links to employment. Our member communions and their local congregations volunteered to provide the local community support that is crucial to successful resettlement. All of this contributed to a most successful resettlement experience.
Watch the CBS feature online now at cbsnews.com.
Rev. Joseph Roberson, Associate to the Deputy for Operations, CWS