Updated Situation Report: Russian Invasion of Ukraine
March 30, 2022
This is an update to the March 1 announcement of the Ukraine Crisis Response Fund.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to one of the largest refugee crises in recent years. In about five weeks, more than 4 million Ukrainians have fled to surrounding countries in search of safety.
As of March 28, more than 360,000 Ukrainians had entered neighboring Moldova as a result of the invasion. Nearly two-thirds have already left Moldova to enter Romania, which is part of the European Union. Roughly 30,000 (8%) have returned to Ukraine. Finally, a little more than a quarter (about 98,000) remain in Moldova. About half of the Ukrainians who have entered Moldova are children.
Several thousand of the Ukrainian refugees in Moldova are living in Refugee Accommodation Centers that have registered with the Moldovan government. However, the overwhelming majority are in rented apartments, hotels and in private homes.
The most significant emerging needs are in supporting host communities. The majority of Ukrainian refugees are being hosted by families in private homes. A large part of the CWS response planning in Moldova is focused on supporting these households to meet immediate needs.
CWS has identified two local organizations that are already operational in Moldova and is planning to support and enhance their responses. One of these organizations is a former CWS local partner called Diaconia, which has been operating nationwide in Moldova since 2003. As CWS and our partners continue to build longer-term programs, we will be supporting a few immediate needs over the next few days. For example, CWS plans to:
- Cover maintenance costs of a center for refugees for two months. Diaconia planned to launch a daycare center in April 2022. When the Ukrainian refugee crisis started, they converted the space into a shelter for refugees. Financial support from CWS will help the center continue to welcome adults and children from Ukraine.
- Provide school supplies to about 400 Ukrainian refugee children who are being enrolled in Moldovan schools. All supply packages will be adapted to fit the age of each student.
- Purchase a forklift for a Food Bank Logistics Center. Diaconia established the first food bank in Moldova in 2020. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the food bank has become a logistics center for distributing food and hygiene supplies to shelters and other organizations. There has been a huge influx of food and supplies, and the team cannot manage the current volume without a forklift.
We anticipate formalizing a relationship with a second partner in the coming days. We are also exploring options for our longer-term response, which will unfold in the months and years that lie ahead.
Click here to learn about + donate to the Ukraine Crisis Response Fund.
Donations can also be made by mailing a check to Church World Service, PO Box 968, Elkhart, IN 46515. Please designate “Appeal code 6642: Ukraine Crisis Response Fund.”
We will continue to offer updates as this situation evolves. Follow CWS on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest information