Thanks to First Aid training, a boy’s foot was saved

March 22, 2017

Saenam village in West Timor, Indonesia, is prone to a number of disasters, from drought to flash flooding. For remote villages like Saenam, though, there are limited services available when an emergency hits, at least early on. It is largely up to the community to mitigate disasters and to get through the initial response.

With CWS support, and in partnership with local NGO Gerbang Mas, the community has made great progress towards becoming a Disaster Resilient Village, starting with community members creating a Disaster Risk Reduction Forum and forming a Disaster Response Team.

Recently, team members learned more about how to organize an effective disaster response – and how being prepared is a critical part of that response. They also learned and practiced some of the basics of First Aid, which will also help them have an effective disaster response until outside help arrives.

Unfortunately, the Team had a chance to put all this new theory and knowledge into practice when, after days of heavy rain, a landslide hit Saenam. There was one injury: a boy named Arjun, whose foot was crushed. Team members gave First Aid treatment and organized Arjun’s evacuation to the nearest health post. From there he was transported to the district hospital.

Thanks to the Team’s action, doctors could save this foot and Arjun is now recovering. Team members also helped Arjun’s family liaise with the hospital and file the paperwork so the family did not have to pay for the month-long treatment, which they would not have been able to afford. Needless to say, Arjun’s family was grateful for CWS engagement in their village, and the Disaster Response Team was proud that their fast, informed action made a difference in Arjun’s life in a dramatic way and for all residents for the future.